What’s my job in my new role as Director of DevRel at WeAreDevelopers?
Now, with the World Congress out of the way, it is time to focus on my new role as Director of Developer Relations at WeAreDevelopers. It feels great that what I do anyways because of personal...
View ArticleAdding a “share to mastodon” link to any web site – and here
I just added a “share to mastodon” link to this bloh. Ages ago I added a “share to Twitter” link, as there is a URL you can send Tweet content to that works:...
View ArticleAdding GitHub repository info, pages links and latest commits to any page...
GitHub is where code lives. You make your updates there, and in the case of frontend work, you can even host it in GitHub pages. When I publish something, I write a blog post and often I put some of...
View ArticleQuick tip: Getting all links from any web site into a spreadsheet using...
As part of taking over the editorial job of the WeAreDevelopers newsletter, I needed to get all the links from older editions and import them into a spreadsheet. Eventually I will write a scraping...
View ArticleHemingway is now Hemingw-AI! My favourite writing tool just got an AI upgrade...
Disclaimer: I got no affiliation with Hemingway other than paying for it. I am just genuinely excited about this. Hemingway is an app I use almost daily. It is a text editor that shows you when your...
View ArticleNew feature in VideoTap: Clips – create short excerpt videos from bigger ones...
VideoTap keeps getting better and better. The latest version now has a new feature called Clips which allows you to create short excerpt videos from larger ones by selecting a part of the text in the...
View ArticleAdding sound wave overlays to videos and pictures using FFMPEG
In order to fix a broken video where the camera stopped recording, I wanted to replace the part with a video with a sound wave overlay. There are many services for that, and it is also a feature of...
View ArticlePodcast: AI solutions need good UX with Chris Heilmann
Logrocket recorded a podcast with me talking about the need for good UX of AI solutions . It is amazing how much opportunities we miss out on by simply trying to copy ChatGPT, not understanding that a...
View ArticleThe 10 tools I install on every new Mac I get
I am currently on a company trip with my brand new MacBook and here are the things I always install first to get started: Homebrew – makes installing of low level stuff a breeze (free) Node/NPM – many...
View ArticleI was a guest on the inaugural DevRelShow and chatted about what DevRel is...
Yesterday evening my former colleague Fred Harper invited me to be his first guest on his new DevRelShow. For about 70 minutes we talked about all things Developer Relations, how to get started as a...
View ArticleLossless Cut is my new favourite tool to cut parts from a video without any...
Lossless Cut is probably the simplest way to cut out parts of a video without having to re-encode it or use an online service. It is open source, free and available for all platforms. It is in essence...
View ArticleFalling Behind In Style – explosive and continuous growth is bad for tech
These are the notes for my talk at the TechKnowFest in Amsterdam. We always see big technology companies as the best place to work and as those who make the world go around. I’ve been pretty...
View ArticleMy company is hiring: who wants to work with me in Developer Relations?
I have a spot on my team for a Developer Advocate and you can apply here: Developer Advocate all genders – Remote, Europe, UK Please, don’t send me CVs or tell me to “take a look” as all applicants...
View ArticleToday was a great day for accessibility!
Today was a great day, even when it started at four in the morning to get to the airport in time. WeAreDevelopers LIVE is a series of online events covering a specialist topic. And today we ran the...
View ArticleNeuer Kurs auf LinkedIn Learning: Grundlagen der Programmierung –...
Mein zweiter Kurs auf LinkedIn Learning Grundlagen der Programmierung – Barrierefreie Software ist live! Der Kurs richtet sich an Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene und ist eine Stunde und 28 Minuten...
View ArticlePangram validator in one line
For a quiz, I am playing with Pangrams, sentences that have all 26 letters of the alphabet in them. Using Set and some RegEx it is a one-liner in JavaScript to validate them (split into two lines for...
View ArticleCracking a “Developer Tools Killer” script…
The other day I got an email from somebody who took one of my developer tools courses and he said he found a website that cannot be debugged. So I looked, found a nasty script and show you how to work...
View ArticleA santa themed CODE100 puzzle – Hitting the chimney
I just finished another puzzle for the CODE100 competition and thought I make it Santa themed. Imagine Santa cocking things up by dropping his presents everywhere but inside the chimney. Can you find...
View ArticleRob Bateman and his journey to resurrect Flash content on today’s web
Flash has been a boon to the web and the bane of my work as a web standards advocate. Now defunct, it is great that people work on converting old content. I’ve been talking to Rob Bateman about his...
View Article10 print chr$(205.5 + rnd(1));:goto 10 in JavaScript
Forget about the Vision Pro, or whatever Samsung just brought out, we all know that the pinnacle of computing fun has been released in 1982 in the form of the Commodore 64. One of the coolest things...
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